These posts are detailing last year, but they loaded in the wrong order. So go to the one titled "Posting the Past" and read up from there! :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
we took advantage of some snow days! Then there was our famous St. George trip, just the girls... What goes on in St. George... STAYS in St. George!
This is the house that we rented in St. George, we had alot of fun! Then we get into Easter.
And then, we get a new addition to the family... Little Nixon.
January was Region Drill- of course Juab took it all! They were great.
Drill team competitions also started in December. It was a busy time of year.
December also brought along the Senior Ball. Talysha's date was Jay Sutherland. She had a lot of fun and looked like my little princess all grown up! Her dress was really pretty, one more event come and gone! :(
Well, you know me... always a day late and a dollar short! Me and this blogging thing do not go well together. I'll try to remember how to do this. What I actually set out to accomplish is organizing all my pictures that I have put on my computer and have neglected getting them developed. I got a hopefully good deal on a computer on Black Friday and I need to get all of my pics off my old computer so that is what my night is going to be consisting of because I am home alone, well not actually alone. Jaylon is in the other room but it is just like being alone. Anyways, I am looking at how fast time goes by and decided while I was organizing my pictures I would surprise all my many followers and update my blog. But what current pictures do I have? I have none really on this computer because that is another one of my issues that I have not put my pictures from my camera lately on the computer. So yes, time does fly!! it has been a fast year for us. So my updated post is posting the past! But what a great year it has been!
These pics are of our Kay family Christmas party, we have had this party every since I was little and every year our family gets bigger and bigger. But as you can see, my "little ones" still like sitting on Santa's lap.
This is a picture of my aunts and uncles on my Kay side of the family. Alot can happen in a years time, we lost my Aunt LuDean a few months ago, my cousin Mike earlier in the year. It makes you realize how precious these family gatherings are each year.
Soon Christmas was over and done. We moved into January with Shaylee having to have surgery on her ankle (again!).
I am a proud mom of 3 amazing kids and a wife of a great husband. I get inspired by other blogs to do better in my life and make every day the best that it can be.